Thursday, June 19, 2014

Building Our Kite By: Xaviana

I could drone on and on and on about every single step that my
 team and I took to building our kite, but then I would probably put you to
 sleep. Building this kite had A LOT of up and downs and sometimes sideways,
but we got our kite completed.

        At first we were thinking on building a box kite and we were really
 excited. We had gotten out all the supplies that we needed and started to
 build the rectangle part of the box kite. It was working out fine until we
 started to build the connecting rectangle. We had started to build it, but
 as we were putting the duct tape, it had gotten to heavy to stand up by
 itself, so we broke that frame and thought of a new idea.

        As a team, we decided that we were going to build the frame inside
 the plastic bag instead of building the frame by itself. We had the dowels
and stuck them into the plastic bag to see where we needed to cut. By then, My teammates and I were livid that this wasn't working out as we had
 planned it to. But, we continued and after we had the plastic bag and saw
 where we needed to put the dowel, it seemed to be working out fine. Finally,
day one of building the kite was over and we were at the beginning.

        Day 2 was a little smoother, but It was still pretty tough. The
 second day we had put the box kite to the side and began to work on the
 diamond or eddy kite. The first thing we did was tape the frame together with scotch tape because It is not to heavy. Then, we put zip ties to keep
 It secure up in the air. After finishing the frame we put on the cover or
 sail and we used a clear plastic bag for that. We had a big rectangular
 plastic bag that we taped to the frame. With the corners of that, we folded
 It onto the kite so that it was in a diamond shape.

             Next, we created the tail with nylon paper, rubber bands, and
zip ties.

  After this we created triangle pieces to give it a cute effect. I really enjoyed building this part of the kite because we got to get creative.
    Our final step was to decorate the sail or cover. We made a sun
with a beach setting. All in all,we had a really great time building
the kite!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer Vibes is Set to Go! By:Briana

My group and I took our kite to the next level. Instead of following a list of instructions on how to build a diamond kite, we made our own steps. We had A LOT of setbacks along the way but, we figure out a way to solve them. We incorporated materials that you wouldn't really use for kites but, we wanted our kite to be creative and that what we did.

We didn't have spars or sails that were brought from the store. We made our own. But, we did have dowels which did helped us to build the structure of our
diamond kite. We used two long dowels to build the structure of the kite and we added a plastic bag over the two dowels to help us build our cover which I will get Into later. To connect the dowels to the plastic bag, my team members suggest that we use rubber bands and zip lines to tighten the grip on the plastic bag and the two dowels. We had to tighten It really good so when the kite goes flying In the air, It won't come apart. We used the rubber bands to tie It together then my group and I used the zip lines to give It the extra grip for the kite.

Everyone knows that you need string for the tail of your kite right? Well, my group and I didn't have string to use or to borrow. We had to make our own sail with the materials that we already had. And guess what? We found something more creative to use as a tail. Nylon paper! You might ask how we did It. That was the same question we were asking ourselves. But we figured out a way. We used 6-8 sheets of nylon paper and tied all the sheets together with rubber bands and zip lines to make the tail of our kite. For a backup plan in case something happens to our tail, we found a few pieces of string left over and tied that to the front of our sail.

Now since we build the structure of our kite, It was time to decorate our kite! Since our theme was summer, my group and I decided to decorate the cover of the kite with palm trees and the ocean. We used some puffy paint to give it some color. And when my group and I was done, the kite had look fantastic in my opinion. I think my group work pretty hard and in return, we got great results.

Steps and Materials By:Xaviana and Alexandra

Who is going to bring what materials?
Xaivana: Tissue paper, plastic recycle bags, measuring tape,boxes
Alexandra:Feathers, straws, glue gun, nylon, garbage bags,boxes

Steps that we are going to take:
1)Use straws to make the frame
2)Attach everything(with the glue gun)
3)Make the boxes
4)Attach the boxes to the frame
5)Make the design on the kite

Which days we will work on what:
Day 1)Use straws to make the frame
          Attach everything together
           Make the boxes

Day 2)Attach the boxes to the frame
          Make the design on the kite

Kite Flying By: Briana

When flying a kite you have to have good weather conditions. You don't want to go out flying a kite when It's raining outside. You want to make sure that your kite will be able to fly and stay up when going outside.

I think the weather conditions should be windy and sunny. I think so because wind will make your kite fly. And the more the better. You want the weather to be sunny obviously because you don't want your kite getting destroyed in the rain don't we? Some people might prefer cloudy weather but from experience, sunny and windy conditions might be best.

Volume and the Area By: Briana

Did you know that building a kite deals with science and especially mathematics? Well, when building a kite there are four concepts to It: altitude, area, conversion, and measurement. Today I will be talking about measurements.

Find the measurements of an kite Is just like finding the measurements of any other object. In math we learned how to find the volume and area of shapes.

When finding the area of a diamond kite you only have to multiply the lengths of the kite and, then divide It by two.

When finding the perimeter of a diamond kite, you have to add both of the sides together then multiply it by two. Since there are two sides, you have to multiply It by two.

Lift Vs. Gravity By: Briana

Kites have three main forces: lift, gravity, and drag. Today I will be talking about two of the three concepts: Lift vs. Gravity

Lift is the upward force created by wind pressure on the face of the kite.

Gravity is the downward force on the kite which works against lift.

A kite cannot fly without either one of these forces. For a kite to fly gracefully, these forces need to be balance together.

Different Styles for Different Kites By:Briana

Everyone knows that there are different style of a kite. But many people do not know the kind of styles. Everyone is use to the diamond kite (the easiest kite out there) but have you ever head of an box kite? Eddy kite? Or even an fighter kite?

Flat Kites- Flat kites are the most common kites In the world. According to, It states that "some bars build a geometric area overdrawn by fabric or paper, which builds the name giving flat form.'' Diamond kites are usually referred to a flat kite because the structure is usually flat.

Bowed Kites- Bowed kites have the structure of an bow which gives them the name of a bow kite. The structure of the bow gives them more stability when the tail is not necessary.

Cellular Kites-  Cellular kites usually have greater flight stability because of their multi-surface design. They perform well in windy conditions and have fascinating three dimensional flying structures.

Multi-Line Kites- Also known as a sport kite or even a stunt kite, is a kite that is use to be controlled into the air. It got their name "multi-line'' when kite flying had develop into a sport.

Fighter Kites-  Are kites that are used for the sport "kite fighting." They are small and unstable, and one line is for controlled while an other line is use to cut down other kites. Also known an ''abrasive line."

Figure Kites- Figure kites are kites that are use to represent animals, people, or objects.

Soft Kites-  Soft kites are kites with no shape or figure. They depend on the force of the wind and not the kite.

Stacks and Train Kites-  Kite trains have many kites one a single line. Sometimes up to one hundred or more. These kind of kites show entertainment to crowds all over the world.