Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer Vibes is Set to Go! By:Briana

My group and I took our kite to the next level. Instead of following a list of instructions on how to build a diamond kite, we made our own steps. We had A LOT of setbacks along the way but, we figure out a way to solve them. We incorporated materials that you wouldn't really use for kites but, we wanted our kite to be creative and that what we did.

We didn't have spars or sails that were brought from the store. We made our own. But, we did have dowels which did helped us to build the structure of our
diamond kite. We used two long dowels to build the structure of the kite and we added a plastic bag over the two dowels to help us build our cover which I will get Into later. To connect the dowels to the plastic bag, my team members suggest that we use rubber bands and zip lines to tighten the grip on the plastic bag and the two dowels. We had to tighten It really good so when the kite goes flying In the air, It won't come apart. We used the rubber bands to tie It together then my group and I used the zip lines to give It the extra grip for the kite.

Everyone knows that you need string for the tail of your kite right? Well, my group and I didn't have string to use or to borrow. We had to make our own sail with the materials that we already had. And guess what? We found something more creative to use as a tail. Nylon paper! You might ask how we did It. That was the same question we were asking ourselves. But we figured out a way. We used 6-8 sheets of nylon paper and tied all the sheets together with rubber bands and zip lines to make the tail of our kite. For a backup plan in case something happens to our tail, we found a few pieces of string left over and tied that to the front of our sail.

Now since we build the structure of our kite, It was time to decorate our kite! Since our theme was summer, my group and I decided to decorate the cover of the kite with palm trees and the ocean. We used some puffy paint to give it some color. And when my group and I was done, the kite had look fantastic in my opinion. I think my group work pretty hard and in return, we got great results.

1 comment:

  1. Great explanation, Briana! I can envision your kite really well by the way you described the steps that your group took to make your kite. Maybe to make this blog post stronger, you can move your photos near the paragraphs that you described each part of the kite. The more visuals next to your explanations, the better!
