Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting to learn the parts of an kite By: Xaivana

When you look at a kite all you really notice Is the design and maybe that long string that sticks out the bottom. But, have you ever wondered what other characteristics are there really to those beautiful things that fly In the sky? Well, I can tell you that there is A LOT. Here are a list of some of the many parts of kite:

1)Here is the part of a kite that you can see clearly. The bridle of the kite Is the line attached to the kite. This helps you to fly and to keeps the stability of the kite. Without this peice the kite wouldn't be a kite!

2)Keels not heels! The keels are the geometric shapes that get attached to the cover of the kite.They work hand In hand with the bridle of the kite to give extra stability and maintain control of the kite. The difference between the two Is that the bridle's only job is to keep the kite stable but the keels are also used for the decoration of the kite.

3)Imagine what your kite would be like without the lines of the kite. The lines are the things that keep the kite together. Some of the bridle lines are connected to the keels holes to keep It up and flying.

4)Ooh, Aah! The sail or the cover Is what makes the kite beautiful. This part Is responsible for getting the attention of people passing by. Without this part, the kite would just be lines and veins.

5)Have you ever gotten an x-ray and have seen your spine? That's sort of what the spars are. The spar Is the skeleton of the kite and they work with the lines to keep the sail up and looking beautiful. 

6)Without the tails or drogues of the kite your kite would fly of control instead of flying gracefully in the sky. This gives more control of the kite as the winds vary from slow to fast and maybe back to slow.

7)The tow point Is the part of the bridle In which the lines are attached. By this, the towing points can be changed.

8)The last but certainly not least Is the spreader. The spreader Is what makes your kite so wide and beautiful. This Is the horizontal spars that run across the entire kite to spread it out. 

1 comment:

  1. Even though these are just a bunch of words,your explanation makes it interesting.
