Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Keels Not Heels By:Briana

  Do you ever wonder how all the parts of a kite works? Maybe how does the tail helps the kite. Or even what are the keels of the kite? A kite has many pieces that are use to help the kite function properly. These are all the parts of the kite and how each part helps the kite to function.

 Sail- The sail Is the decorated part of the kite which Is mostly on the front where everyone can see It.

Spars- The spars Is to hold the kite up and give It the support It needs and It also give's It shape.

Tail- The tail of the kite Is to help the kite fly gracefully Into the sky instead of the kite twisting and turning, the tail helps the flyer have more control on the kite.

Keels-  Are usually three or four sided geometric shapes that gives the kite greater stability and allowing the kite flyer to have better control over his/her kite.

Brindle-  A string or a line that Is attached to the covers, spars, or keels of the kite. They can be attach In different ways. Bridle line are usually connected together to give the kite more balance.

Tow Point- The tow point Is where the bridle line and flying lines connects. The tow point is probably one of the most important spot on any kite. It Is the place where the kite flyer can tell if the kite Is balanced.

Spine- The vertical spar that connects the nose (the tip of the kite) to the tail on the backside of the kite.

Fittings- To make the structure of a kite.

Line: The lines of a kite is the main lines between the kite and the rider. Choosing the right line for your kite is almost as importing as choosing the kite It self. If your line Is too small It may break, causing you to damage or lose your kite. If you have a line that Is too large, your kite may not responded correctly causing you to lose control of your kite, or your kite may not fly at all.

Spreader-  A kite has two spreaders. An upper spreader and a owner spreader. The upper spreader is the horizontal spar that keeps the distance between the leading edges on the top part of a kite. The lower spreader is the lower spars that keep the distance between the leading edges on the bottom part of the kite.

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