Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Science Physics or Kite Physics By: Xaviana

It's simple physics! I don't think any type of physics is simple. I will be talking about dihedral a type of physics in a kite. Dihedral Is the angle of stability for the kite and this also includes a curved wing. Think If we didn't have dihedral for the kite. The kite wouldn't fly and It definitely would fall apart up In the air. Have you ever looked up at an airplane and seen the way It tilts at a certain angle? Well, It's the same thing with the kite. Putting the dihedral angle on both wings is crucial. When you put both wings back, the air will push back equally on them so that It will fly smoothly and balanced in the air.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like how you added the image of Charlie Brown and his kites, very creative.
