Thursday, June 19, 2014

Building Our Kite By: Xaviana

I could drone on and on and on about every single step that my
 team and I took to building our kite, but then I would probably put you to
 sleep. Building this kite had A LOT of up and downs and sometimes sideways,
but we got our kite completed.

        At first we were thinking on building a box kite and we were really
 excited. We had gotten out all the supplies that we needed and started to
 build the rectangle part of the box kite. It was working out fine until we
 started to build the connecting rectangle. We had started to build it, but
 as we were putting the duct tape, it had gotten to heavy to stand up by
 itself, so we broke that frame and thought of a new idea.

        As a team, we decided that we were going to build the frame inside
 the plastic bag instead of building the frame by itself. We had the dowels
and stuck them into the plastic bag to see where we needed to cut. By then, My teammates and I were livid that this wasn't working out as we had
 planned it to. But, we continued and after we had the plastic bag and saw
 where we needed to put the dowel, it seemed to be working out fine. Finally,
day one of building the kite was over and we were at the beginning.

        Day 2 was a little smoother, but It was still pretty tough. The
 second day we had put the box kite to the side and began to work on the
 diamond or eddy kite. The first thing we did was tape the frame together with scotch tape because It is not to heavy. Then, we put zip ties to keep
 It secure up in the air. After finishing the frame we put on the cover or
 sail and we used a clear plastic bag for that. We had a big rectangular
 plastic bag that we taped to the frame. With the corners of that, we folded
 It onto the kite so that it was in a diamond shape.

             Next, we created the tail with nylon paper, rubber bands, and
zip ties.

  After this we created triangle pieces to give it a cute effect. I really enjoyed building this part of the kite because we got to get creative.
    Our final step was to decorate the sail or cover. We made a sun
with a beach setting. All in all,we had a really great time building
the kite!

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