Monday, June 16, 2014

Team Goals By Briana

When building a kite, you have to have specific goals to reach. My group members and I wrote down 
 specific goals to help us win the competitions we are competing In.  

1.  To cooperate together and communicate with each other
    I chose this rule because, If we don't cooperate together we won't get the work 
   done or even
   complete our kite by the deadline. I also chose Communication because
   when we are working together we can help each other when needed.

2. Put effort Into all of our assignments
 I chose this goal because, having good quality work Is very important. 
 And to have good quality work Is to put effort Into it. 
Such as completing assignments on time. Working cooperative with your team members, 
 and being patient when we are having set backs with our kite or assignments.

3. Being Creative
 I chose this rule because, being creative Is a part of building a kite. 
 No one wants to see the same idea 
 on every kite. 
 You have to be bold and express your idea Into many different ways as possible. 
 The theme of my kite is summer and we're all thinking to express the word and the idea of
 "summer" Into different ways. 
 Such as saying how summer Is celebrated in different countries or what do people outside of 
 New York do for summer. We are heading into that direction.

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