Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Blast of The Past By:Xaviana

Comic Strip By: Briana H., Alexandra E.
  Woosh! The kite flies away into the daylight and the intricate colors make it look beautiful. Benjamin Franklin studied kites for many years and that led to people continuing his work for 150 years. This led to the airplane being developed. Not only did Benjamin Franklin make a change in kite history but so did Homan Walsh. 
    Have you ever looked up and seen the skydivers gliding through the air on their colorful para gliders gliding through the sky? Well, you can thank Homan Walsh. In 1874 there was a bridge spanning the great gorge and this would be a boost in the local economy. It was hard to get the first line across that would be able to build the bridge, so they finally came up with an idea to fly across to the other side. Homan Walsh he built a kite and released more and more string until finally the kite floated. The history of kites may be long but it is eventful and helped us today.

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